Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Do Toys Create a Happy Childhood?

When I was small, I admit I enjoyed my toys but they weren't the highlight of my childhood. My fondest memories are of climbing trees, writing stories and imagining fairy villages in my backyard. I remember the kids in my neighbourhood and picking fruit in my grandmother's backyard. Toys? They were fun but hardly defined my childhood.

Toys have changed and evolved with our changing culture. Many argue that toys are encouraging children to grow up too fast by introducing concepts like sexualised fashion, hairstyles and adult concepts like nightclubs.They are also more technological encouraging children to become passive and sedated rather than active and creative.

Whenever a parent steps out to accuse a toy of being inappropriate or detrimental to a child there is an overwhelming message - "Relax! Toys are apart of childhood - just let them enjoy it!".

Since when are toys (or more specifically branded & marketed merchandise) synonymous with childhood? As a culture, we've learnt to associate 'toys' with 'childhood' as if denying our children the latest toys means we are denying them a happy childhood.

I think we need to question what childhood is and what it means to us as parents.

What sort of childhood do we want to give our kids? One primarily influenced by industry and filled with every toy they could ever want? Or by us, the caregivers who have their best interests at heart? How can we encourage our children to be more creative instead of sedated? How can we encourage our children to be active instead of passive? The answer is really for us as parents to become more pro-active in limiting exposure to toys and technology and encouraging other activities.

Unfortunately, filling our children's lives with toys does very little to make their childhood happier. It just grooms them for a life of mindless consumerism. It also teaches children to value what they can get from the world rather than what they can give and contribute.

Of course there is nothing wrong with children enjoying a few toys. The concern is that we try to use toys, games and gadgets to create a happy childhood for our children instead of focusing on the things that really matter - the things that children will remember for a lifetime.

Our children are growing up in a world that is very different to the world we were raised in. It's a world that is changing constantly and requires a pro-active approach to protecting and preserving the very essence of childhood.

Let's keep it real and provide our kids with a childhood experience based upon something deeper than whatever toy is dominating popular culture.

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How to Calm the Raging Inferno of Acid Reflux

More than 60 million people suffer with acid reflux disease every week of their life. Acid reflux is a very unpleasant and annoying condition. It is not considered to be a severe condition such as acid reflux, unless it occurs over twice a week over a time span of several months.

If acid reflux disease goes untreated for a prolonged period of time, it can cause permanent damage to the esophagus.

Acid reflux disease is caused by acid from the stomach washing back up into the esophagus repeatedly. This happens when the lower esophageal sphincter becomes weak and relaxed.

The main cause of the relaxed esophageal sphincter muscle is high fat foods which have been shown in studies to temporarily weaken the esophageal sphincter muscle.

The most common symptoms of acid reflux disease are a burning sensations in the chest, a sour acidic taste in your mouth, sore throat, and bad breath. Usually laying down right after eating will make symptoms worsen.

Many people suffering from acid reflux have found relief in positioning their bed in an upright position. They usually do this by putting 4 to 6 inch blocks under the 2 bedposts at the head of the bed.

The answer to most people who suffer with acid reflux disease is to reach for an antacid. These are o.k. for short term use, but reducing the acid in the stomach is not the answer.

In recent research, results indicated that reducing the acid in the stomach can cause several other diseases. So, what can you do? When you have acid reflux you absolutely have to have relief- and the quicker the better.

To start with, you can use these tips to help wean yourself off of the antacids for good. Lifestyle changes can go a long way in helping keep the flames at bay.

Things such as quitting smoking, drinking, and reducing stress will set you on the right road. Then, making changes in your diet is the best thing you can do to keep acid down in the stomach where it belongs.

The first thing to do is start eating foods that are high in fiber. Then make sure that you eat smaller meals so you won't overfill the stomach, causing sloshing of the fluids in the stomach up into the esophagus.

Eat more complex carbohydrate foods and lay off of the fried fatty foods. Last of all, but not least it will help you tremendously if you can start an exercising program.

The most common foods that are known for causing acid reflux are fried foods, caffeine, and alcohol. Smoking also causes the esophageal muscle to relax causing a problem for acid reflux sufferers. There are even some medications that can cause problems for some patients with acid reflux disease.

Be sure to consult with your physician concerning interactions of medications he has prescribed. A physician administering an acid reflux treatment usually prescribes various drugs as a first line of defense.

The stomach is designed to be very acidic with a pH of 3.0 or less. When your stomach has the proper pH, it digests your food so that it is broken down into vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that are absorbed.

When the acid is reduced greatly in the stomach by antacids, it leaves too little acid for the functions in which it was designed for. Vitamins and minerals are severely depleted in cases where the patient continues over long periods of time to consume antacids.

Herbal supplements have rapidly gained popularity over the past decade because they are safe and affordable solutions for chronic health problems. Herbal supplements are a natural and effective solution for revitalizing your health.

There are several herbs that are well known for alleviating heartburn. One of my favorites is a very refreshing drink- ginger tea. As always, consult your physician before taking any treatment of any kind.

Breathe Easier with the Help of an Air Filter

Are you plagued by allergies or asthma throughout the year? If so, you may be considering purchasing one of the many air filters available for your home or office. Healthy living promotes all over wellbeing and with today's quality of air, it makes sense to consider the purchase of an air filter. Air filters work with your home's circulation and help to filter out any contaminants that can cause health problems and irritate breathing conditions. As these particles are removed from the air the quality of oxygen increases and you can breathe easier.

Over time, furnace and central air systems have a tendency to become filled with unhealthy particles. When the furnace or central air system begins to work, these particles are scattered throughout your home. Purchasing an air filtration system will keep these particles at a minimum.

Dust is one of the main irritants for people who have allergies. Coughing, sneezing and wheezing can all be reduced by simply taking the necessary steps to clean the air you breathe. If you purchase the proper air filter, as the air naturally circulates through your home or office, dust particles will be reduced and as a result the symptoms from your allergies will reduce.

Asthmatics have a difficult time breathing any time, something as simple as a climate change will cause an asthma attack. Other particles that may irritate this condition are mold or mildew, which also cause many difficulties for people will allergies as well. With these invisible irritants floating in the air an asthmatic can have an attack and reach a life threatening state. Purchasing an air filter to reduce the amount of pollutants in the air can drastically reduce the number of breathing attacks.

People with other chronic breathing conditions such as Emphysema and COPD should also give careful consideration to buying the proper air filter system. These conditions are rather serious and can prove to be life threatening. Reducing the amount of pollutants in the air can add to the person's current quality of life.

Children are exposed to many germs that can cause the common cold or flu. Unfortunately you can not control their exposure outside of the home, but proper air filtration system will help you limit your child's exposure to certain germs.

When choosing the proper air filter it is important to keep several things in mind. First you must determine what specific substances the particular air filter will remove from the air. Second, what size of room will the filter clean, as well as how often will the filter need to be changed and the level of difficulty when changing it? Other issues to keep in mind- determine the item's clean air delivery rate, the noise factor and can you run the air filter while you sleep?

Bottom line is that purchasing an air filter for your home can and will help the over all quality of air. As you can see it does take some thought and searching for the proper system does take time, however in the end the benefits will prove that it is worth the effort. Your family will breathe quality air day in and day out; therefore maintaining a healthy environment in your home.

The Dangers of Mold Growth In Your Home

Mold belongs to the fungi kingdom and is part of the natural environment. Outdoor molds play a significant part in the environment by breaking down the deceased matter such as dead trees and fallen leaves. Molds that grow at home indoors should be best avoided.

Mold has some resemblance with plants as well as bacteria, but is neither a plant nor a bacterium. Mold has an individual kingdom and belongs to the fungi kingdom. The term mold is used to describe fuzzy fungi grown on various moist surfaces.

Molds look like tiny smug marks; up close you may notice a fuzzy or hairy appearance. They produce millions of tiny seed like structures called spores that are invisible to the naked eye. These spores float through air indoors as well as outdoors. Mold begins growing indoors when the mold spores touch a moist surface. There are various types of mold that require different water levels, but none survive or multiply without the presence of moisture or water.

The human eye can at best see objects that are 10 or more microns. Mostly the indoor spores are merely 2 to 10 microns, while some spores are long, a few hundred microns.

Mold toxins also known as mycotoxins are discovered primarily on various toxic mold types such as toxic black mold also known as stachybotrys along with nearly ½ dozen other types of toxic molds. Mycotoxins and allergens are found on dead spores or living spores as well.

Mycotoxins are produced by several species of toxic mold. These are defences against being eating by insects, and are also powerful weapons employed by toxic molds in a microbial combat to assist them when competing against several other molds and bacteria. The toxic black mold is commonly found by our inspection firm in South Florida, and is likely world wide, as it was first reported as a problem with solders and their hungry horses in the Ukraine near Russia almost 100 years ago. However, even if the mold spores observed in residential areas are a result of toxic black mold production at high levels, they may not always bring toxic illness effects on humans through normal indoor inhalation. A human gets poisoned only when we inhale lots of spores.

History reveals the toxic effects of toxic mold mycotoxins in farm animals and humans including birth defects, coma, internal bleeding, cancer, and death, mostly via eating foods contaminated with toxic mold. Remember the hungry Ukrainian horsed mentioned above, let's just say they did not have a happy ending, and the solders that slept on mouldy hay did not fare much better.

The main reasons for mold growth at home are damp or moist surroundings. Molds are concealed behind the wall paper, on or behind dry wall, on top of ceiling tiles, beneath the pads or carpets, inside AC units, and behind the furniture. Cleaning concealed mold with chemicals is not the suggested remedy in most cases. Chemicals such as chlorine bleach are not recommended to clean mold. Mixing chlorine bleach solution with any other detergent or cleaning solution is best avoided as other items may contain ammonia leading to toxic fumes. If you kill the mold on the surface of your wall with bleach you are left with a false felling of security while the majority of the mold will still continue to grow hidden inside your walls.

It will turn from a small problem to a large more expensive growing hidden mold problem if not handled correctly the first time.

You must call a certified mold inspector to get to the root reasons for mold growth via investigations and testing or it will likely keep coming back.

Are Your Hygiene Practices Causing Yeast Infections?

Many women think that a yeast infection occurs because of poor hygiene. Truth is, those things that we "think" are good hygiene practices can actually be the factors that cause these infections! Some of the most common, douching and scented products, are the two worst things that you can do for your vagina. Simple practices such as cleansing daily with water and a mild soap are all you need to do to keep your vagina healthy.

Douching is a practice that supposedly flushes out the vagina with excess amounts of water, vinegar, and other cleansing products. This flushes out all the bacteria in the vagina which can in turn, lead to a yeast infection. See, the vagina is supposed to have some bacteria and a little yeast. The presence of these things keep the vagina at a natural balance that is able to fight off bad bacteria and keep the vagina in a healthy state. The good bacteria is what keeps vaginal yeast levels in check; so when those good bacteria are wiped out, the yeast can get out of control.

Smelling good, especially "down there" can sometimes define how clean a woman is. The last thing woman wants is to have a fishy smell, and the last thing anyone wants to smell is a fishy woman! Using scented products on or around the vagina causes irritation which in turn causes yeast infections. With all of the vaginal sprays, scented tampons and pads, fabric softeners and soaps, its hard to steer away from using these products. As far maintaining a healthy vagina however, these are products that you want to stay clear of. Opting for unscented products versus fragranced ones can help reduce your risk of vaginal irritation and lessen your chances of getting a yeast infection!

Now I know what you're thinking? How can you tell your vagina is clean, if it doesn't smell clean? Well, the vagina is an interesting thing and shouldn't have a smell (good nor bad) at all. Having an odorless vagina is the best way to make sure you are doing everything right.

What are those things that need to be done right to prevent getting a yeast infection? Keeping your vagina dry, cool, and free from irritations are the three key things you can do to stay infection-free! When physically active or in water make sure to completely dry yourself, and change damp clothes when necessary. When considering your wardrobe, wear clothes that are breathable and allow some airflow to your genital areas. This will help your vagina stay cool and decrease the chances of forming a warm and damp environment. Lastly stay away from scented products that can cause irritations, because that can be the easiest way to get a yeast infection.

Intermediate Ways To Get Started With RSS

Really Simple Syndication or RSS has turned out to be one of the most effective marketing tools around. As the name suggests, RSS is about syndicating content from some other site. Marketers have woken up to the importance of RSS feed as a marketing tool and it is now being used to promote different products. How can this be done? Well, let's see.

o Find some article directories that provide for RSS feeds. Submit articles about your products to these directories with links to your website in the "about you" section. If your directory allows you to promote your website you can include the links in the articles itself.

o Keep on updating the content and provide it to your subscribers for free. This would make your site more visible and would see higher traffic improving your search engine rankings. The direct result is marketers getting interested in your site to advertise.

o The feeds should be informative as well as interesting with proper search engine optimized key words. It should be pertinent. The next step would be including ads of your sponsors in your RSS feed as this is what is going to earn you money.

o Always pay attention to the content. Don't let it get stale. And try to make it available to as many people you can. The wider audience you would have the more popular you site would be and the more lucrative you would look to the advertisers and this means big money.

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